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Ms. Suzie McManus

United Middle School
Special Education Teacher
700 Del Mar Blvd.
Laredo, Texas 78045
August 14, 2019

Dear Parents,
       I hope you all had a wonderful, restful summer! I want to welcome you and your child to United Middle School and my class. I will be teaching your son or daughter Resource English Language Arts/ Reading in a course now called ELAR. I am very enthusiastic about teaching this year. My goals are to help your child improve their academic skills while becoming more confident about their work. Please feel free to contact me at any time in order to discuss the syllabus or to address any other questions or concerns that you may have.

       Please make sure your child gets enough rest each night in order to concentrate and focus in class. While increasing their vocabulary, we also need to improve their reading, writing, and thinking skills. Please help me by encouraging and expecting the best from your child including completing and returning homework assignments. I am attaching a Remind page with instructions to sign up for messages. It can be used to communicate with me, and it will also help to keep you informed about homework and tests. Your support is vital to reach our goals. This year, the student handbook is accessible on-line.


 As far as materials are concerned, please make sure they bring a pencil or pen to class each day. Please make sure they have a dictionary and thesaurus at home as well. I am asking that they bring in:

  • a composition notebook
  • a single pack of post-its 3x3
  • highlighters
  • a pack of filled paper
  • Pencils with erasers (every day)


            Grading policy:


Six Weeks Grade:

Daily Grades               50%

Test Grades                50%                 Total 100%


Semester Grade:

1st Six Weeks             25%

2nd Six Weeks            25%

3rd Six Weeks            25%

Semester Exam          25%                 Total 100%


Final Grade:

1st Semester              50%

2nd Semester             50%                 Total 100%




        You can reach me each day by leaving a message at (956) 473-7354, and I will return your call but, the best way to reach me is by e-mail at I am honored to be teaching your child this year, and together I know we can help them succeed!
                                                                                                           Ms. Suzie McManus


     -----------------------------------------Please Detach----------------------------------------------
By completing the information below, I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the information and policies outlined in the syllabus.
Date: _________________


Student Name: __________________________                     


Parent Name: ____________________________


Parent Signature: _________________________


Home Phone: ____________________

Work Phone:  ____________________


Upcoming Events


School Phone:
Conference Time:
10:10 a.m. to 11:05 a.m.