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English Language Arts and Reading Syllabus and Classroom Procedures

United Middle School

Mrs. J. Czar




Course Description:

English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) class is the meeting place for students to explore and understand by interconnecting the nature of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking.  Students will work through various genres of literature and elements of writing to include fiction/personal narrative, poetry/correspondence writing, informational text/informational writing, argumentative text/argumentative writing, and realistic fiction/research writing.  We hope to educate and inspire our young readers through encouragement, support, and enjoyment.


Classroom Rules

M            Follow directions the first time they are given.

A             Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings and be prepared to always give your personal best.

V             Respect and speak kindly to others using low voice with appropriate formal language spoken everywhere on campus.

S              Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Positive Rewards:

  1. Verbal and Written Praises
  2. MAVS bucks
  3. Classroom Passes (homework)
  4. School participation. (pep rallies, assemblies, presentations, etc)

Disciplinary Consequences:

  1. Start Discipline Progress Report: written warning and phone call to parents
  2. Student-Teacher conference
  3. Parent/Guardian Conference with teacher via phone, e-mail, or at school



ELAR Materials: (replace as needed)

  • 2 pocket folders with brads:

(1 RED folder will be used for Homework and 1 BLUE folder will be used for Reading Portfolio)

  • No. 2 pencils
  • 1 package post-it notes
  • 1 large block eraser
  • 1 package of highlighters (4 to pkg.)
  • Manual sharpener
  • 1 Large Box of Kleenex Tissue
  • Blue/Black Pens
  • 1- (3) subject spiral (wide-ruled)
  • 1 red pen
  • 1 hand sanitizer
  • Glue sticks
  • Safety Scissors       
  • 1 packages of theme paper (wide-ruled)





Daily Grades/Class Assignments/Homework/Quizzes                     =          50%

Weekly Tests/Unit Test/ELAR Selection Tests/CBAs/Projects       =          50%

Semester Grade:

1 Six Weeks                                         25%

2nd Six Weeks                                      25%

3rd Six Weeks                                       25%

Semester Exam (required)                  25%

Final Grade:

1st Semester                                        50%

2nd Semester                                       50%

Progress Report:

Daily Grades                                        50%

Weekly Test/Exam                              50%



Homework will be assigned regularly. Please make sure all daily class and homework is turned in on time. No late class work or homework will be accepted unless it is due to an excused absence. Students should be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup assignments and/or homework in a satisfactory manner within the allotted time.



Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education – to benefit from teacher led activities, to build each day’s learning on that of the previous day’s, and to grow as an individual. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the instructional materials; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Two state laws, one dealing with compulsory attendance, the other with attendance for course credit, are of special interest to students and parents (U.I.S.D. student code of conduct).


The time allotted will be equal to a day for a day of absence.  For example, a student absent for (5) days will be allotted 5 instructional days to complete the missed assignments.  It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about work missed during the absence.  


Make-up work/test after an unexcused absence shall receive a maximum grade of 70.  The time allotted will be equal to a day for a day of absence.



Please feel free to reach out to me with any question and or concerns. My contact information is shown below.

Mrs. Joann Czar

6th Grade ELAR

Room P-6

Phone: 956-473-7311

E-mail :

Planning Period: 9:09 a.m. 10:04 a.m.

United Middle School


-------------------------------- Cut and return to MRS. J. CZAR----------------------------------


Parent (s) and Guardian (s):


By signing below, I have discussed this syllabus with my child.  In addition, I also understand that this syllabus is subject to change.






Print Student’s Name                                                                                                 Grade             





Student’s Signature                                                                                                    Date                                       




Parent (s)/Guardian Signature                                                                                    Date


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