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United Middle School

College and Career Readiness

MRS. Rodriguez

Conference: 8am to 9am Email:

Phone: (956) 473-7343 Room: 123 Remind: @UMSCCR

Class Page:


College Readiness & Career Readiness is an eighteen week course that gives students the opportunity to explore the various career areas that exists, conduct research on alternative post-secondary education opportunities, potential college and universities of interest, and introduction to the realities involved with the workplace. This mandatory elective has several sections that will be constantly covered for its great relevance and importance to your future. Students will also complete TSI prep throughout the semester with the goal of passing this important assessment at the end of the academic school year. The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative program designed to help your college or university determine if you are ready for college-level course work in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. If you are an incoming college student in Texas, you are required to take the TSI Assessment - unless you are already exempt - to determine your readiness for college-level work. Based on how you perform, you may either be enrolled in a college-level course and/or be placed in the appropriate developmental course or intervention to improve your skills and prepare you for success in college-level courses.


Topics Covered:

  • TSI Assessment Preparation

  • Weekly Novel Reading Program and End of Semester Project (Test Grade)

  • SAT Vocabulary Projects (approx, 100 words in 18 weeks) (Test grades)

  • HB5 - H.S.Endorsements

  • Web Ethics and Etiquette

  • Finding and Applying for a Job

  • Lifelong Learning

  • Employment Skills

  • Personal Finance

  • 16 Career Clusters

  • Career Exploration


Tests, Projects, and Assignments:

Tests grades may also be based on projects.  A minimum of 6 daily grades will be collected each week and a min of 4 Test Grades per Six Weeks.  Absent students are responsible to check class page calendar for any missed assignments/instructions. Computer Lab Rules:

  1. Computers will only be used when directed by your teacher.  Students that do not abide to this rule will face consequences and may lose computer use privileges.  Parent notifications will be made.

  2. Food or Drinks are NOT allowed inside the Computer

  3. Playing YouTube  on the computers without permission is prohibited.

  4. Students are not allowed to change any computer settings. (Student Computers are Always Monitored by Teacher)

  5. Students will be assigned a station number and will be responsible for all of its equipment and accessories for that station.  Any discrepancies student notices within the first five minutes of class should be immediately reported to teacher otherwise student will be held responsible.

  6. Students is expected to immediately log in to the class page and remain seated when entering the classroom.  

  7. Playing Games will absolutely not be tolerated in class 



College and Career Readiness Class Page & Student Email Account

All activities, projects, and tests will be posted on this site.


Password: Wacky Password ___________________________________

Career Exploration Tool  used by UISD


Username: __________________________________

 Password: ___________________________________ is a tool we will constantly use in class to submit answers to various tests and assignments.  


Username: ____________________________________

Password: _____________________________________

Kuder Navigator is an all-in-one online education and career planning system that helps students visualize their futures — and make the plans to get there.

Each 8th grade student receives a paid membership provided  by UISD.


Username: ____________________________________

Password: _____________________________________

Class Messaging System

Text Message: @umsccr to number: 81010

Web Browser: & follow instructions to sign up and download the Remind App.



Upcoming Events


School Phone:
Conference Time:
8am to 9am